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General Skin Conditions

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At Epiderma, we take the time to look at each patient separately and ensure that we provide the best skin care solutions possible.

Skin Conditions | Best Dermatology Centers in Jayanagar | Epiderma Clinic

Best Dermatology Centers in Jayanagar | Epiderma Clinic


Acne (pimples) is an inflammatory skin disease, primarily involving sebaceous glands, affecting the face, but can also occur on the arms, back & chest.

Best Dermatology Centers in Jayanagar | Epiderma Clinic

How does skin treatments Works at Epiderma

There are 4 key events in causation of Acne:
  • Excess sebum (oil) in the skin: The oil producing glands in the skin are stimulated by hormones after puberty to produce more sebum. 
  • Clogged pores (pilosebaceous unit): The dead cells, bacteria & sebum form a plug at the outlet of the pilosebaceous follicle and appear as black heads (open comedones). If the plug remains below the surface it appears as whiteheads (closed comedones). 
  • Bacteria (P.Acnes): The bacteria causes inflammation in the pilosebaceous unit. P. Acnes also initiates comedone formation. Pre-menstrual aggravations are commonly seen. Though hormonal factors are implicated, it is the peripheral heightened sensitivity that causes Acne. 
  • Inflammation: This leads to formation of large solid bumps, pustules & fluid filled cavities called cysts.

An unwanted or harmful reaction that develops in a patient while he is taking a medicine or combination of medicines.

An individual’s unique genetic make-up is responsible for the untoward reaction to a particular drug.

Anyone can develop an ADR but certain groups are at higher risk – Elderly patients on multiple drugs Those with previous history or family history of drug reaction HIV positive individuals Patients with liver and kidney failure

Most of the ADRs are mild, not bothersome and do not generally require a change in therapy. A few, however, can be serious, disabling or life threatening and may require immediate stoppage of treatment and hospitalization. These may be associated with systemic complaints such as fever and jaundice.

How can ADRs be prevented?

Do not self-medicate for minor ailments even with topical medications. It could be dangerous.

Avoid seeking consultations from quacks, chemists, friends/relatives, traditional faith healers or unqualified practitioner. Take medicines only after consultation with qualified doctor in the prescribed dose and duration. Follow your doctor’s instructions strictly.

Always inform your physician about past history of reaction to drug(s) in you or your family members and carry the list of drugs/ADR card with name of causative drug(s) in your purse or handbag to produce it to any doctor that you may consult in future so as to avoid inadvertent repeat prescription of the same culprit drug.


Dermatophyte infection is a superficial fungal infection of skin, hair and nails. It is also known as ringworm. In Kannada it is called as Hulukaddi ,Hindi it is termed as Daad 

Ringworm occurs when a person gets infected with Dermatophytes which is a superficial fungus. This fungus lives off human keratin and that is why the infection can occur on the skin, hair and nails.

Dermatophyte infection is transmitted by direct skin contact with infected person and by sharing objects of daily use (fomites).

 Dermatophyte infection is more common in tropical climate. 

High temperature, humidity and occlusive atmosphere predisposes to development of Dermatophytosis.

Certain diseases like diabetes mellitus, HIV infection or patients taking steroids or anticancer drugs are high risk for development of Dermatophytosis. 

Poor hygiene, increased sweating, self- medication or use of topical steroids, steroid- antifungal combinations, infection in family members are contributory factors.

Do’s and Dont’s


  • Take and apply your medicines regularly and for the adequate duration.
  • The topical antifungal needs to be applied on the entire affected are plus two centimeters outside on the normal skin. 
  • Take bath after activities which result in excessive sweating. 
  • Pat yourself dry carefully after taking bath.
  • Dry the clothing especially undergarments inside out in the sun.
  • Towels, undergarments, napkins, handkerchiefs should be washed in hot water, sundried, ironed and then worn.
  • Change your socks regularly. 
  • Avoid wearing tight undergarments. In males, boxer shorts are preferably to the conventional V shaped underwear. 
  • Cotton loose clothing is preferred. Avoid jeans/jeggings/ leggings and other tight clothing. 
  • It is important that all contacts including the family members and people having similar conditions in the work place are treated correctly and completely for the fungal infections. If your contacts are left untreated, you may contact the infection again.


  • Don’t self-medicate. 
  • Do not buy creams OTC/on the recommendation of chemists/neighbours/friends/family members. It is advisable to see a dermatologist for skin issues. 
  • Don’t use steroid containing cream, it is poison for your skin. 
  • Don’t share your towel, use public bath, clothing with others

Best Dermatology Centers in Jayanagar | Epiderma Clinic provides the best skin care solutions by an experienced dermatologist in Bangalore.


Eczema is a chronic inflammatory skin condition. It can present as red, dry, scaly, and very itchy patches which can affect sleep and quality of life. Symptoms can range from mild to severe. Treatment is geared toward restoring the skin barrier and reducing symptoms by controlling inflammation.


Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that speeds up the life cycle of skin cells. Cells then build up and form thick, scaly, and red patches that can be itchy and sometimes painful. It is a chronic disease that can range from mild to severe, but can be managed with many new treatment options available.


Persistent flushing, red bumps, and “broken” blood vessels on the face are among the main features of rosacea. There are a number of topical rosacea medications available, but not all features of rosacea can be treated with medication. You can reduce the stubborn red spots with laser and light-based treatments and sometimes oral medication can be helpful.


There are many different types of skin cancer, which can present in many ways. The best proactive approach is good sun protection, regular monitoring, and check-ups of your skin. Watch out for new or changing lesions, or a sore that won’t heal. If you have a spot that is concerning you, it’s good to have it checked out by your doctor.


Skin tags are small, fleshy pieces of skin that stick out on a thin stalk. They most often appear on the neck, armpits, upper trunk, and body folds. They are harmless but can be annoying if they catch on clothing or jewelry. There are options for removal.


Warts are common, benign, skin lesions caused by human papillomavirus infection (HPV). They can appear anywhere on the body in a variety of forms, such as common warts on hands or extremities, plantar warts on the bottoms of the feet, and genital warts in the genital area. Multiple treatment options are available but sometimes the immune system will clear the infection without treatment


Melasma (a.k.a. chloasma) is a skin condition in which patches of brown or tan discolouration appear on the forehead, cheeks, lips, nose or forearms as a result of the body’s sudden overproduction of pigment. Sometimes called the “mask of pregnancy,” melasma can affect anyone, but is most often triggered in adult women—especially during the hormonal fluctuations associated with pregnancy, oral contraceptive use or hormone replacement therapy.

Sometimes, sun damage and other blotchy skin conditions can look like melasma. Most of the time, these hyperpigmentation problems can be treated the same way. Still, it’s best to receive a diagnosis first, to rule out any dangerous skin abnormalities. 

To get started treating your melasma, we encourage you to book a consultation at our epiderma clinic the Best Dermatology Centers in Jayanagar.

Frequently Asked Questions

Genetic factors: The type and severity of Acne a person gets is influenced by his genes i.e., when a person suffers from severe Acne it is often found that either or both parents have had a similar problem in their childhood.

Pre-menstrual aggravations are commonly seen. Though hormonal factors are implicated, it is the peripheral heightened sensitivity that causes Acne.

Use of cosmetics (oil based), scrubs can aggravate Acne. A sudden bout of Acne following facials, clean- up, bleaching etc. is common.

Sometimes multiple cysts in the ovaries called polycystic ovarian syndrome can cause Acne in addition to irregular cycles, weight gain, and hair loss on the scalp & excessive hair on the face.

Certain drugs like steroids, anti-tubercular medicines (isoniazid), anti-epileptics (phenobarbitone) can cause Acne like eruptions. 

Abuse of topical steroid creams on the face often promoted as fairness creams can cause adverse effects including Acne. Acne can persist or appear post adolescence. It may be associated with other signs such as hair loss on the scalp & excessive hair on the face. 

Diet is an important factor in aggravating Acne. Acne is not caused by specific foods, but certain foods may make some people’s Acne worse. High caloric (glycemic) foods such as pastries and sweets and dairy products like cheese, paneer, butter & ghee can trigger or worsen the existing Acne. Whey protein, used by adults engaged in body-building sports is also implicated in aggravation of Acne. Healthy food habits, fresh vegetables & fruits and lots of water help in maintaining a healthy skin. 

Emotional & physical stress an also aggravate Acne. 

Dandruff and Acne often co-exist.

Acne usually starts at puberty and mainly affects the teens and young adults. But, Acne can occur at any age. It generally subsides in mid-twenties. Sometimes Acne extends beyond twenty five years or may start afresh when it is called adult or late-onset Acne. 

Acne can affect both males and females, it tends to be more severe in males. 

Acne lesions commonly occur on the face, but can be seen on the arms, chest, back and buttocks. 

The skin lesions in Acne include comedones (blackheads and whiteheads), red raised lesions, pus-filled lesion or painful swellings. Based on the predominant type of lesions, the dermatologist grades Acne as mild, moderate or severe.

Acne can be successfully treated at any point of time in the disease timeline, however ,consulting a dermatologist early in the course of disease can also prevent post Acne scarring.

  • Wash the face 3-4 times daily with preferably soap-free cleansers & water.
  • The scalp should be cleansed 2-3 times weekly to prevent and remove dandruff. 
  • Avoid all greasy cosmetics on the face. Look for a ‘non comedogenic’ cosmetic which is safer in Acne prone skin.
  • Do not squeeze or pick the pimples. It can cause scarring.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injection is a modality that utilizes patient’s own blood to correct acne scars. PRP contains a plethora of beneficial growth factors, which promote collagen and elastin regeneration. It is helpful in superficial acne scars. Infact microneedling shows better results when combined with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) as it enhances the absorption of topical agents including PRP and the final result may only appear after 8–12 months.

Punch techniques such as punch excision, elevation, grafting, or float techniques are considered the criterion standard for punched-out scars up to 3–4 mm in width (deep boxcar and larger icepick scars).

  • PUNCH ELEVATION: Punch elevation is a technique in which the scar is punched down without being discarded. The punched scar is then elevated and sutured in place at a level slightly higher than the surrounding skin
  • PUNCH EXCISION: The scar is excised down with the help of a punch instrument that is slightly larger than the scar, and the defect is closed with sutures along relaxed skin tension lines. Punch excision and elevation is best suited for small (B 3 mm) acne scars.

It may be the only treatment for very deep irregular-shaped scars in difficult locations.

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