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Suction Blister Grafting

Claim Your Victory Against Vitiligo

Permanently effective treatment for vitiligo with suction blister grafting by the best dermatologists in Bangalore.

Suction Blister Grafting | Epiderma Clinic

Suction Blister Grafting / Vitiligo Treatment


Vitiligo that is stable and resistant becomes ideal case for dermato-surgical treatment through which re-pigmentation of the achromatic/depigmented skin is done. The size of this depigmented skin and its location are important factor in considering the type of surgery. Smaller size depigment skin are treated with Suction Blister which provides cosmetic benefit beyond satisfaction.

Suction Blister Grafting for Vitiligo | Epiderma Clinic

How does suction blister grafting Works at Epiderma

In Suction Blister, the graft is prepared by separating the top most epidermal layer (graft) from other layers by creating blisters. And these grafts are transplanted in the hypo-pigmented recipient area. The melanocyte spreads and brings about uniform re-pigmentation in the recipient area.   

Suction Blister Procedure:
  • In the donor area (buttocks / thigh), suction blisters are created by using suction apparatus/syringe. These blisters – the separated epidermis is used as grafts. 
  • In the recipient area, the skin is abraded and prepared for grafting.
  • The epidermis is grafted and sometimes tissue glue is used for better adhesion/fixation of graft.
  • The whole procedure is done under the local anaesthesia effect. 
Benefits of Suction Blister at Epiderma Clinic:
  • Minimal chance of scarring either in donor or recipient skin area. 
  • Ideal for smaller size depigmented/ achromatic skin.  
  • High success rate in terms of re-pigmentation and no. of patients benefitting from it.
  • Higher cosmetic results.

Frequently Asked Questions

The formation of the blister takes around 2-3 hours. So, the whole procedure may take around 4-5 hours for completion.

Normally, the skin healing happens in 5-6 days and re-pigmentation sets in.  The latter takes place around 4-5 weeks to show the outcome of the surgery.

Yes. This procedure is ideal for small depigmented skin area present in any part of the body. And this surgery can be performed on both – male & female.

Dermato-surgeon will insist on quick review immediately after the surgery followed by review consultation – once in 3-4 months for monitoring the re-pigmentation status. Instructions need to be followed as advised.

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