1. What Is The Duration Of The Chemical Peeling Procedure?
Depending upon the type of peeling procedure, the peeling make take up 10-15 minutes for completion.
2. Can Patient Resume Office Or Start Going Out Of House From Next Day Of Procedure?
Post-procedure, the skin becomes highly sensitive and needs to be protected from external harsh environmental including sunrays. So, one has to avoid going out for initial 2-3 days or as suggested by the dermato-surgeon.
3. How Long One Should Avoid Application Of Make-Up Or Cosmetic Products?
One can resume normal and regular life immediately after the procedure by following one protective measure – Avoiding the direct sun exposure. Once the healing happens and re-epithelialization sets in, light make-up or cosmetic products can be used. Follow the Dermato-surgeon’s instructions.
4. After What Age, One Can Undergoing The Chemical Peeling?
One can undertake chemical peeling after 18 years.
5. When Will Be The Results Of Chemical Peeling Visible?
Following the healing, rejuvenation and re-epithelialization happens and starts showing the results depending upon the type of peeling. Deeper peeling procedures will take little longer time compared to superficial peeling. In 2-3 weeks, results are visible.